In early September 2022 a proposal was submitted to the art-for-architecture competition for the Frida Kahlo School in Schweich. The name of the school is programmatic. This integrated comprehensive school, which also admits pupils with handicaps, chose as its role model Frida Kahlo, who lived her life with physical handicaps. The proposed concept, entitled “Fridas Botschaft” (Frida’s Message) combines two locations for art inside and one location outside the school.
part 1
part 2
part 3
of the dining hall,
part 1
of the dining hall,
part 2
of the dining hall,
part 3
in the schoolyard,
view 1
in the schoolyard,
view 2
in the schoolyard,
Frida’s message is optimism. Frida’s message is a positive outlook and self-belief. This entails courage, patience and stamina. Frida Kahlo lived this, and it is her legacy. This message is to be put into practice in the school that bears her name. Optimism and a positive outlook have far-reaching effects. A very small thing can become something very big.
Frida’s message is a vision. The vision of a development, a process.
The imagery that makes this vision visible consists of colour fields. Small fields of colour become larger and larger. At the beginning, the colour fields form a portrait. On the wall of the foyer, Frida Kahlo seems to turn inward – pensively. On the wall of the dining hall, she turns towards the children – giving encouragement. Frida Kahlo naturally – without artistic distortion. A tangible Frida Kahlo whom everyone recognises immediately. Frida Kahlo is part of the everyday life of the school. She lives among the pupils. She is there. She is close to the children. The colours, too, are close to the children: various shades of blue, and red in gradations through to pink. These are children’s favourite colours. The colour fields are square, anonymous elements in a process. However, they generate a happy buoyancy. They dance.
The process continues outside, but here in the third dimension. The squares turn into a vision of cubes. Here, too, the dominant mood is happy. This walk-through sculpture is adopted by the children as a forest, a labyrinth, a playground. Frida Kahlo’s optimism leads to exalted heights.